I know this seems weird, but I made my first solo attempt at baked potatoes tonight for dinner. They turned out really good! Nick loved them and wants me to bake some up tomorrow too. I honest to goodness cannot remember e-v-e-r baking potatoes all by myself before. Now, I certainly know people who have baked their own spuds.... I've just never done it. Never been a huge fan of the starchy tuber. When offered baked, mashed or fried, I always opt for the cole slaw.
So, how did we get on to this? Well, Nick stayed the weekend with an old friend from Mill Creek. They had a blast and went 'tubing' on Lake Sammamish. The friends' mom made steak & baked potatoes for dinner. Nick of course wouldn't touch the steak, but loved the baker. I went to the store and selected some big fat Russets and googled the best baker recipe I could find. I was going to wrap them in foil, but learned that that just steams them. I washed them, rubbed them with olive oil, and rolled them in this herb infused rock salt that I have. Then I poked holes in them with a fork and baked them for 1 hour at 375. YUMMMMM! Good stuff. We ate them with butter, cheddar cheese, sour cream, and little green onions.
Carole and Devin came over. Carole couldn't believe that I had never baked a potato before and laughed at the notion of me "googling a recipe" for baked taters.
I am adding "Baked Potatoes" to the list of things that I can cook! Right up there with Mac & Cheese.
Have a good week!!