Lucas Benjamin Johnson was born late March 3rd at 11:47 pm via C-section at Valley Medical Center. He weighed 6 lbs and 5 oz, and is 18 inches long. He was originally due on March 28, so he is a bit early. But he is doing quite well, as are his mommy and daddy. As you can see by the pictures, Luke is a beautiful little baby. I am head over heels in love with this little guy. Last night I got to hold him for a long time and he is just the sweetest little thing. Little Luke was born early because his mommy was involved in a small accident (she is OK), which resulted in a free trip to the hospital in an ambulance. Her blood pressure was pretty high, and they weren't able to get it to come down. They were concerned about the baby, of course, and didn't think that labor was an option. No pesky labor pains for Chrissy!!
Great job, Ben and Christina!! We love you all so much.
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