We had a positively wonderful Christmas. We started out on Christmas Eve visiting a friend's Open House up in Issaquah. Then we went to church at Valley View and sang many wonderful Christmas songs, some were old favorites and some were brand new. Then it was over to Pink Grandma' house for ham dinner. We met up with Ben and Christina there. Then at about 9:30 at night, we all went back to our house to open presents and play games. Nick got an XBOX, and he and Ben ended up playing some war game until 2:00 am! I crashed at about 11:30. We awoke Christmas morning bright and early at about 10:00 am. Santa brought Nick the bb gun that used to be Papa's. Nick was pretty thrilled to get his first bb gun. Just like "A Christmas Story"! Next, it was off to Laurece's where we do a kid's gift exchange, a white elephant gift exchange, we had a wonderful roast beef Christmas dinner, and then a "Happy Birthday Jesus" party, which included a "Find the Missing Reindeer" treasure hunt for the kids (Thank you Laurece!!) and Christmas-theme Pictionary for the grown-ups. We all had a really fun time. Pictionary was hilarious. Guys against the Girls. One guy even guessed the word before the picture was even drawn! No kidding. It was too funny.
Now it's the week in between Christmas and New Year's and we are just taking it easy. Nick has a friend over and Ward and I are trying to relax a bit before the busy new year starts.
Enjoy the pictures!!