Monday, August 4, 2008

Sebastian is in town!!!

Sebastian is Nick's long-time friend and he is visiting from Colorado.  Nick and Sebastian met when they were 3 years old in Montessori school up in Woodinville.  They are both avid sports nuts and can talk stats until they are blue in the face.  The boys see each other about once a year.  This time last year, Nick flew out to Colorado to visit them.  The boys fly all by themselves, and we meet them at the gate.   

Nick is really getting tall.  He used to be about the same height as Sebastian, but now he's about half a head taller.  Nick's seen several old friends in the last month and he is taller than them too. Seems like Nick is going to be a tall boy - like his daddy.


Christina Johnson said...

Yay! Fun for Nick! That's great that they still get to see each other!

Gramma Carol said...

I get a kick that they IM each other and play games together on the computer. What good friends. Sebastian is a really nice, good kid, too. He's a pleasure to have around.